Claims workforce of the future and the evolution of its skills, talent and technology

Our third claims specific workforce report has been jointly authored with the Lloyd’s Market Association. It focuses on the changes that we expect to see from London Market claims teams as they respond to the changing world of work and risk, impacted by ongoing global events such as Covid-19, climate change, and the economic impact from rising costs and inflation. The report explores what this will mean for the London Market claims workforce as it adapts to this change and hybrid working.

Hybrid Claims Workforce of the Future

The insurance workforce will need to evolve so that it can effectively work alongside new technologies that business and customers will increasingly begin to use. The speed of change will arguably be greatest within the claims function, our previous claims workforce of the future reports looked at this from a general insurance perspective and a London Market specific pre-COVID perspective.

Claims Workforce of the future London MarketClaims Workforce 2030

"Insurers need to define the skills and competencies required to run a fully transformed insurance business and develop an upskilling programme to accelerate their competitive position. This will likely get a positive reaction from their workforce – our research into the UK public's views on employability and upskilling found that 62% of people are ready to learn new skills to remain employable in the future."

PwC CEO Survey 2022

Contact us

Jim Bichard

Jim Bichard

Global Insurance Leader, Partner, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7841 562560

Michael Cook

Michael Cook

Partner, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7711 562567

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