Alex Hawley

Alex Hawley

Senior Manager, UK Environmental Regulatory Legal Lead, PwC United Kingdom

Alex is a UK solicitor advising on Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) tax and regulation. She leads PwC’s Environmental Regulatory Legal team.

Alex’s work includes Sustainability Reporting, Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), Single Use Plastics (SUP) and environmental taxes.

She has a background in regulatory and commercial disputes, including disputes in the water and energy sectors, and uses this experience to advise clients on a wide range of ESG compliance and readiness matters.

Much of Alex’s work has an international angle, and she has experience tracking and advising on tax and regulation across 50 jurisdictions with PwC’s network of experts, as well as managing international projects.

Alex’s recent work highlights include:

  1. Advising on CSRD legal entity assessment, member state transposition and governance for a multinational beverages corporation.
  2. Supporting a global online marketplace with Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) compliance and seller engagement across Europe.
  3. Advising on EU CBAM compliance, contracts, and supplier engagement
  4. Working as a subject matter expert on a number of regulatory technology projects, including using GenAI to derive regulatory insights.
  5. Delivering training to a multinational pharmaceutical company on ESG reporting including TCFD-aligned reporting, and application to their complex group structure.
  6. Providing regulatory “horizon scanning” and advising on reporting priorities for a multinational e-commerce organisation and a global consumer pharmaceutical brand.
  7. Working with a household name online marketplace operator to structure compliance with EPR laws for their supply chain, including take back and disposal across European jurisdictions.
  8. Advising on packaging compliance on a £30m sale of a high profile pharmaceuticals business.
  9. Advising a multinational chemicals plc in a cross-jurisdictional internal fraud investigation involving issues of chemicals and customs regulation, extra-territorial statutory reach, and preservation of privilege.
  10. Leading financial crime, modern slavery, anti-bribery and corruption legal due diligence over three jurisdictions on a multi-billion pound acquisition.
  11. Conducting disputes involving regulators including the Civil Aviation Authority, Ofwat, Ofgem, Food Standards Agency, Information Commissioner’s Office, Care Quality Commission, Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, and the Health and Safety Executive.
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