Video transcript: Helping Inmarsat see beyond change

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Helping Inmarsat see beyond change

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Luke Broome (programme director, Service delivery transformation, Inmarsat):

We knew we had to make a major business transformation. Our customers really like our Global Express product line, but they simply didn't like the processes and systems that were supporting them. So, our strategy was to turn this business problem into an opportunity to transform the way that we work right from quote through to bill.

Jason Smith (Chief operations officer, Inmarsat):

This new platform is no longer a barrier to future revenue streams, it’s an enabler of future revenue streams. It’s much easier for us as a business to operate, it's easier for our staff to work with, and it's much simpler for customers to interact with.


I'm really proud that we manage to complete this transformation and migrate customers successfully from the legacy platform to the new one in less time than it took to create the original solution. Together, we've removed a major risk to the business, and put in place a strategic capability that will help the company grow and be successful in the future.


I am hugely proud of what we've achieved in this programme. We've delivered the benefits and delivered the functionality that the business needs to be successful. It's extremely exciting to hear the positive feedback from the customers who have helped us design a platform that’s fit for their needs as much as ours, and that allows us to jointly be successful as we go forward.

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