Why a Speak Up culture is important


Organisations get the best results for their clients and their people when there’s a culture that helps everyone feel respected and valued. Creating an inclusive workplace where people feel able to be themselves in a safe environment helps foster an open culture where everyone feels comfortable bringing their ideas - and their challenges - to the table.

At PwC, these values are central to who we are and how we operate and this helps us deliver a quality service to our clients. Having an open culture where people aren’t afraid to challenge the status quo, or call out behaviour which goes against our values, builds trust and confidence both inside and outside our firm. It also allows space for new ideas and innovation to come to the fore. This is why speaking up and raising concerns is an important part of who we are as a business.

Despite our best efforts, we know sometimes the behaviours we see do not support the culture we’re trying to foster. Taking clear action to respond to such behaviour with integrity and accountability is a vital step in helping identify problems and drive improvement across our firm. We know we have a responsibility to ensure our people have the confidence to speak up about these concerns without fear of retaliation which is why, for many years now, we have run internal campaigns to help foster our inclusive culture which encourages our people to speak up.

The promotion of our Speak Up helpline has always been an important part of these campaigns - signposting our people to a tool which helps them report any concerns they may have (anonymously if they choose). This month, we’ll be running a campaign for all of our people sharing a series of videos that bring to life scenarios of bullying, harassment and retaliation in the workplace. We want our people to feel informed and empowered to have discussions about what acceptable behaviour looks like so we’re also encouraging our leaders to talk openly with their teams about these scenarios and the standard of behaviour we expect from everyone at our firm. Underpinning the focus on these discussions is the launch of a new online reporting tool, available to those inside and outside our firm.

Our aim is to make speaking up even more accessible, efficient and effective, because providing a safe and supportive way for our people to raise concerns is important in nurturing a Speak Up culture. It is only with this culture in place, one where inclusivity and respect are valued and upheld, that we can continue to build trust at our firm, in the market and in society.

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