Video transcript: Smart Credentials, a PwC blockchain platform


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In today’s world, our credentials act as a record of our achievement. We should be able to own, share and safeguard our verified credentials in real-time.

But when we need them, where are they? And how do we prove they’re real?

Introducing Smart Credentials, a product powered by PwC, which allows credentials to be issued, carried and shared globally.

Let’s take a closer look.

Kyle has a variety of credentials on the SmartCredentials platform, marking his milestones, ranging from academic records and coaching medals, to health and safety certificates and proof of identity.

He’s just completed a 3 year Law Degree at Northern University and has been offered a job at Harland Law Firm, who need to validate his qualifications.

Robert works at Northern University’s administration office. He creates Kyle’s certificate on Smart Credentials, and issues it to Kyle.

Kyle is notified that his degree certificate has been issued. He accepts and can now view the details.

Nadia is the Hiring Manager at Harland Law Firm. She needs to prove that new hires have authentic qualifications, so Kyle shares his degree certificate with her.

Nadia is notified and accepts. She can now view the details of Kyle’s degree, including its issuance from Northern University.

Fast forward a few months and Kyle wants to revoke Harland Law Firm’s access to his credential. They will no longer be able to view them.

Smart Credentials can be used for any credential, specifically:

  • General Achievements, proving a portfolio of your accomplishments
  • Professional Qualifications, giving proof of your right to practice, and
  • Continued Professional Development, providing evidence of your ongoing competencies.

Powered by an underlying Blockchain platform, Smart Credentials allows institutions to create verified, secure and trusted credentials, individuals to view, share and revoke access to their personal data and organisations to reduce overheads associated with verification.

To find out more about SmartCredentials, sign up or view a demonstration of the product please contact us.

Contact us

Steve Davies

Steve Davies

Partner, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7590 352408

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