
The Joint Administrators will issue letters by post to all redundant UK employees with the details of how to make an online claim to the Redundancy Payments Service (RPS) as well as the information that will be reported to the RPS to allow it to process claims. This will allow employees of the UK to have an opportunity to question any information that they think might be incorrect - such as their continuous service date or rate of pay.  This may delay letters being issued but it will ease the RPS claims process.  

We expect that the letter will be posted within a week but if nothing has been received after a week please contact us to ensure that the correct address is held in the Company records.  Employees of the UK should not submit any claim to the RPS until we have contacted them to provide them with more details on how to make a claim.

The legal processes to be followed for the Company's employees in France, Germany, Netherlands and Vietnam are complex and are being considered further. We will liaise with employee representatives (where relevant) and then the individuals  to explain next steps.  We expect to provide an update within 7 days. 

To make a claim, UK employees will have to go online to www.gov.uk/claim-redundancy and enter their claim reference number from their redundancy letter.  Please wait to receive this information by post. 

FAQ for retained employees

FAQ for employees who may be owed money by the Company

 Questions you may have if you are based in the UK

What does ‘going into administration’ mean?

Going into administration means the company is being taken under the management of an administrator (a licensed insolvency practitioner). The administrator assumes control of the company from the current Directors and will manage the business from this point onwards. 

The administrator acts as an agent of the Company without personal liability.


My employment ended on 9 November 2022 and I have not received a letter regarding my status? A letter was sent to all employees, by first class post, on 17 November 2022.  We are aware of delays in delivering these, please allow sufficient time for this letter to be received.  If you have not received a letter by 23 November 2022 please email uk_madedesign_employees@pwc.com and we will arrange for a copy to be emailed to you.  
What other support is available to me as a UK employee?

General queries, employment rights - www.gov.uk

Statutory Maternity Pay or Sick Pay – Statutory Payments Disputes 03000 560 630

Claiming benefits – JobCentre Plus 0800 055 6688

PAYE queries – https://www.gov.uk/contact-hmrc




As my employer can’t pay my redundancy pay, what should I do?

Because your employer  is insolvent, it cannot pay you amounts that may be due to you as a result of your redundancy. There is a claims process which is administered for UK employees by the Redundancy Payments Service (‘RPS’) and details of the process and how to make your claim can be found at  www.gov.uk.

The Joint Administrators’ employment team will be working with your HR team to gather information to provide to the RPS.  We will confirm certain information in your redundancy letter to assist you in making your claim.  We will aim to issue your written confirmation of redundancy together with the unique case reference number (begins CN) for the RPS as soon as possible, and ideally no later than 7 days following your redundancy.  This will not cause any delay in us providing the information to the RPS to allow them to process and pay your claim. 

If you have recently moved or if you are unsure whether your correct address is held in Company records, email uk_madedesign_employees@pwc.com providing your NI Number, old address and new address.


UK employees - 

How do I claim my statutory payments from the RPS?


You can make your claim by using Redundancy Payments Online.  More details can be found by searching for Redundancy Payments Service fact sheet at www.gov.uk .  If you need help with the online form, or if you do not have internet access and so need to make your claim over the phone, please contact the RPS on 0330 331 0020. 

Before you can make your claim you will need to receive the unique case reference number mentioned above which will associate your claim to the Company which made you redundant.  We will provide this reference in the written confirmation of redundancy.  

Details of the information that you’ll need to make your claim can be found at https://www.gov.uk/claim-redundancy

What can I claim from the RPS as a result of my redundancy? 

As the Company which employed you is insolvent, it cannot pay you for amounts owed to you under the terms of your Contract of Employment which might include notice pay, redundancy pay and pay in lieu of holiday accrued but not taken.    

The RPS will consider claims for statutory payments, more details of which can be found at https://www.gov.uk/claim-redundancy. All claims paid by the RPS are paid at the current statutory maximum weekly rate of pay which is paid currently at £571.00   More information about the claims process can be found at https://www.gov.uk/your-rights-if-your-employer-is-insolvent/after-you-apply

What you can be paid for by the RPS depends on your circumstances. The RPS can pay: 

Statutory Redundancy pay: if you’ve worked for your employer for at least 2 years,  

Holiday pay accrued but not taken in the current holiday year, and

Compensation for failure to receive statutory notice : if you’ve worked for your employer for at least 1 month.  

You can find more information here or by searching for “Explaining your redundancy payments” at www.gov.uk.  Further information in relation to the timing and quantum of your claim can be found here.

If the RPS does not pay my claim in full, what happens? You will be a Creditor of the Company. Employee Creditor claims can be either unsecured claims or preferential claims. Preferential claims would include unpaid wages up to £800 (and subject to a time limit) as well as all pay in lieu of holiday accrued. Any claims which are not preferential claims, will be unsecured claims.  Any dividend payment due to you may be made either by cheque or into the bank account details provided from the Company's records, therefore should you require your payment to be made into a different bank account, or your personal details change i.e you move address or you have a change of name, it will be your responsibility to keep us informed of any such changes.  
Money was deducted from my last pay for Court Orders or Child Maintenance. Have these been paid? We understand that all payments had been made in respect of the October payroll, including to the pension scheme.  
Will my expenses be paid? We cannot commit to paying outstanding expenses until we are clear on the value of the outstanding unpaid claims. If you have a claim that you have not yet submitted, please do so as a matter of urgency so that a decision can be made. We are currently unable to put a time frame on when the decision will be made.  
I have IT equipment that I am/have been unable to return? We will be in contact with employees with regards to any equipment that they may hold shortly.  For the avoidance of doubt no deductions will be made from your salary for equipment not yet returned.   
How can I contact the Joint Administrators? The most efficient way to contact the team is uk_madedesign_employees@pwc.com.  
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