Transcript: PwC Alliances Summit 2023

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Oz Ozturk

Our role is to effectively understand the client's agenda and help them achieve those objectives, with the investments that they've made.

Marco Amitrano

A relationship with Alliance partners is a critical part of our ability to deliver successful transformation. We are one piece of the picture, our Alliance partners crucially provide the scale and technology, particularly as we look into emerging technologies like cloud and generative AI.

Lord Gavin Barwell

What I've been discussing today is the increasing, challenging political environment in which businesses are operating, not just here in the UK but across the whole world. We've also got a momentous year coming up, with big elections in the in the US, here in the UK and in Europe as well. Our sessions really been looking at how those challenges impact businesses and the role that we could play at PwC with our Alliance partners in helping business to tackle those complex problems.

Ellie Taylor

We are going to have to work with a broad ecosystem of partners, bringing our expertise within industry at PwC. Working with our Alliances, who have different capabilities and different technologies so that we can help solve problems for clients.

Ben Higgin

I think actually, lots of industries are going to be disrupted in one way, shape or form, by GenAI, in particular. If you think about retail and customer engagement, if you think about health care services and the ability to interrogate data in very different ways.

Quinton Pienaar

This does feel like a once in a lifetime moment for us, a moment for us to help our clients navigate an era that's probably a little bit uncertain. The opportunity for us to really add productivity, innovation and creativity back into organisations is immense.

Glen Robinson

So business leaders are finding it increasingly easier to make the case for inputting our technologies into their organisations, because they're rapidly seeing the productivity and the efficiency benefits that, that technology brings. That's sort of, quite an obvious starting point.
It's a world of generative AI at the moment. It has been for the last six months, but you can only harness generative AI if you've got your data architecture correctly and access to it.

John Lyons

It's a world of generative AI at the moment. It has been for the last six months, but you can only harness generative AI, if you've got your data architected correctly and access to it.

Clara van Heck

The role of people in culture and digital transformation, is hugely important and it's not to be underestimated, and especially when it comes to technology, it's so, so important to think about human beings and how human beings deal with that change. So it's really, really important to have the expertise like we as PwC have, that change manager expertise, hand in hand, with helping clients to introduce new technology.

Alex King

Our new technologies change how people work, they change how they interact and that's often difficult, and people need help and training and support with that. Google's very much part of an open ecosystem where we work with organisations like PwC, to bring that transformation.

Kevin Ellis

To ensure that we make the most of this opportunity, it needs to be inclusive, not exclusive. We can't have our technologies at the end of a corridor. We must all be part of this change. The biggest investment we're making as a firm in AI, is that inclusivity, making sure that all five generations that work for us, feel part of it and can contribute to it.

Contact us

Oz Ozturk

Oz Ozturk

UK Technology Alliances Leader, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7703 563054

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