Big challenges require bold thinking

Future proofing your fundraising

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Ensuring future fundraising success amid continued uncertainty and change presents significant challenges for charities - yet almost half of charities say they feel underprepared to respond to change and tap into the opportunities that exist.

Our report Learning Forwards: How well equipped are charities to deal with an uncertain future? explores how charities can unstick themselves from the now. By embracing their radical foundations and making rapid change - powered by technology, data and an innovative mindset - charities can future-proof their supporter base and unlock new opportunities.

The pandemic showed how charities can adapt with pace when there is an urgency to do so, although we know that this came at a cost for many. This kind of agility in the face of a crisis is important. Switching from a reactive approach to one that builds a foundation of resilience for any future disruption is vital to creating a sustainable pipeline of supporters and the continuing provision of key charitable services.

Independent of size or type of charity, the view that charities are equipped to respond to future changes is marked by the largely equal responses of those who agree and disagree. Over half (51%) of respondents agree/strongly agree that their charity is well equipped to be agile and adapt priorities and targets based on sudden changes in beneficiary needs.

However, despite the experiences of the pandemic, our report reveals that almost half of the charities we surveyed still feel underprepared to face these challenges.


say they don’t have the right level of investment to deliver objectives


don’t use data to retain positive relationships with supporters and identify potential for future growth in income streams


don’t have integrated fundraising across the charity

Many charities are also struggling to equip themselves with the right skills, capabilities and approaches to manage change. And a significant proportion of charity professionals also feel at risk of not meeting sudden changes in beneficiary needs and being able to continue providing vital services.

We believe charities can make significant steps in future-proofing their supporter base, but big challenges require big thinking and bold action. Areas we consider in the report in order to build resilience include creating a culture of innovation, better understanding the technology landscape and engaging the next generation of supporters through a broad range of channels.

Read the full report Learning Forwards: How well equipped are charities to deal with an uncertain future? to find out how to build the resilience needed to successfully navigate change and ensure future fundraising success.

Contact us

Rachel Thursfield

Rachel Thursfield

Director, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7595 610218

Steven Schofield-Linnell

Steven Schofield-Linnell

Senior Manager, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7483 430276

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