As a world-leading financial and related professional services centre and number one exporter of financial services, the UK economy relies on the industry continuing to operate uninterrupted. However, financial services are at a critical juncture, amid technological disruption, increasing regulation and pressure on business models.
Together with TheCityUK, and drawing on extensive engagement with leaders across the industry, we have developed this report to help define and identify the key threats to operational resilience and recommendations for industry and regulators to help ensure the UK remains a world-leader and at the forefront of regulatory development.
Innovation is the lifeblood of financial services and is one of the most important issue on many firms’ agendas.
Governance is the framework of rules, relationships, systems and processes by which a firm is controlled and operates, and the mechanisms by which a firm and its people are held to account.
It determines the rules and procedures through which a firm’s objectives are set and provides the means to deliver strategy and monitor performance. Importantly, it defines where accountability lies and establishes a clear compliance and risk culture.
Many UK-based institutions express confidence in their governance frameworks and capabilities. Our report highlights area where improvements need to be made.
Operational resilience has risen to the top of the regulatory agenda over recent years, due both to an increase in threats and the potential impact on customers and the financial system.
As global financial services embrace digitalisation, they are becoming more connected and interdependent.
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