Culture and Capability

As the tech skills gap widens, organisations must seek out ways to access the capabilities needed to accelerate their ambitions, from upskilling teams to partnering with third parties.

Along the way they must maintain a culture that attracts, retains and empowers diverse talent. Watch this episode to hear how organisations should tackle that and how they can make technology part of the solution.

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Our speakers

Kieragh Nelson

Partner, Execution Managed Services, PwC UK

Stephanie Kelly

Chief People Officer, IRIS Software Group

Tunji Akintokun MBE

Head of Marketing Solutions, LinkedIn UK & Ireland

For organisations to accelerate their business ambitions, technology is critical. So is having the right people. But finding those people and accessing the necessary capabilities isn’t always easy. 

Our ‘Human-led, Tech-powered’ series brought business leaders and experts together to discuss these issues, including the importance of increasing the breadth and diversity of the overall talent pool.

“In tech in general, we have under-representation from different groups. That’s a problem because we’re not getting the benefits of different perspectives. And suddenly the penny dropped that doing the same thing wasn’t going to solve the issue…we needed to do something to widen the net for talent.”

Stephanie Kelly,
Chief People Officer, IRIS Software Group

That means engaging under-represented groups and looking for new ways to empower the workforce - from inspiring them with challenging projects to offering continual learning and upskilling.

“As digitisation takes hold of many different industries, there are more jobs available. But people need to be reskilled and upskilled to be able to do them.”

Tunji Akintokun MBE,
Head of Marketing Solutions, LinkedIn UK & Ireland

However, the urgency with which organisations need to embrace the opportunities technology provides means they cannot just wait for investments in training, or even recruitment to deliver value. They need a strategy that addresses long-term needs, while giving them access to skills and capabilities today. Increasingly, that means collaborating with digital business partners.

“Organisations today are grappling with how to invest in long-term skills capabilities while also trying to solve their immediate problems. The businesses we are talking to are looking to partner with companies like PwC, and our managed services, to solve those immediate skills gaps.”

Kieragh Nelson,
Partner, Execution Managed Services, PwC UK

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Marco Amitrano

Marco Amitrano

Alliance Senior Partner, PwC UK & Middle East, PwC United Kingdom

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