Purpose and Profitability

Organisations are under growing pressure to address their impact on the environment and society. But how do they make the right commitments, and how do they combine expertise and insights with technology, to ensure their response is meaningful and measurable?

Watch this episode to understand more about meeting ESG commitments, where to begin and how to report progress.

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Our speakers

Andrew Dunnett

Group Director SDGs, Sustainable Business & Foundations, Vodafone

Lynne Baber

Sustainability Practice Leader, PwC UK

Musidora Jorgensen

Chief Sustainability Officer, Microsoft UK

Delivering on purpose does not have to be at the expense of profitability. In fact, by finding a careful balance of insight and the right technologies, organisations can align investment and innovation plans with purposeful commitments. That was the opinion of leading business figures taking part in our ‘Human-led, Tech-powered’ video series.

“Business is now part of the solution rather than part of the problem, and that’s a massive change. Companies are now reporting on non-financial data and outcomes with the credibility and accuracy they would normally reserve for financial data. And that is proof that they are taking this issue seriously.”

Andrew Dunnett
Group Director SDGs, Sustainable Business & Foundations, Vodafone

Organisations now recognise the need to ensure their growth strategy creates value for all, within their organisations and the communities they operate in. That commitment to the environment and society underpinned with transparency is essential, but requires the right level of understanding combined with rich data-led insights and the right technology to deliver.

“At the heart of all this, I believe it’s human behaviour and asking people to change how they’re thinking.”

Musidora Jorgensen,
Chief Sustainability Officer, Microsoft UK

From eliminating bias to ensuring correct and fairer reporting, as well as creating more sustainable business models and opportunities for marginalised groups, organisations must align investment and innovation plans with purposeful commitments if they are to create the right outcomes - for their people, stakeholders and society. And that is also good for business, with investors and other stakeholders increasingly expecting these behaviours from companies.

“Without taking action now, you’re going to lose out on the market presence you’ve currently got.”

Lynne Baber,
Sustainability Practice Leader, PwC UK

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

Now’s the time for change. Turn theory into action with practical insights that enable you to take on today’s biggest challenges. We help you unlock future value and demonstrate the clear business case for addressing ESG issues: this is about profits with purpose.

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Marco Amitrano

Marco Amitrano

Alliance Senior Partner, PwC UK & Middle East, PwC United Kingdom

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