Wholesale banking

Wholesale banks have come under pressure in both the UK and US to address concerns that weaknesses in operational resilience could mean an operational incident has a significant impact on markets at both a local and global level, with the potential to amplify into market confidence issues. Certainly given the high value / high volume nature of many wholesale banking business services, the potential for financial harm to firms, consumers and wider markets poses a greater challenge for time-critical services such as managing trading books, meeting trade clearing obligations and acting in an agent capacity.

Click through to our paper below to understand what business services could look like for Wholesale Banks.

Contact us

Duncan Scott

Duncan Scott

Operational Resilience Leader - Banking, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7894 393607

Stella Nunn

Stella Nunn

Director, Crisis and Resilience, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7932 144627

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