Transcript: PwC Alliances Summit 2022

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PwC Alliances Summit 2022

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Marco Armitrano:

We're delighted to have you here today so we can learn a bit more about each other.

Rob McCargow:

We play a central role in enabling our clients and customers to solve problems in a way that builds trust, in a way that utilises technology in a thoughtful, responsible way. And to bring that together in a way that you can apply technology at scale is the real overriding theme of today.

Quentin Cole:

With the various headwinds that organisations have faced. I think what's really important is organisations need to change, need to adapt, and need to transform.

Marco Amitrano:

Alliances are key, which is why we refer to them as critical enablers. We provide a bridge between that human ingenuity and the power of that technology base, through having some of our own technology and our own understanding of how to bring that technology to a problem.

Simon MacEnroe:

Understanding each other's businesses is really important, and hopefully today is one of those moments where we can get our teams together and then work on the early engagement between our two companies to help our clients.

Gavin Barwell:

The environment in which businesses are having to operate at the moment is far more complex than it was five, ten years ago. And I'm afraid it's not like it's getting simpler over the next few years. So, understanding those geopolitical risks and thinking about what are the implications both for the technology sector and indeed for the economy as a whole.


What advice that we be giving to businesses is, is face off today, lean into it, don't standstill.

Isabelle Jenkins:

It's really, really important to be focused so to understand what the business benefits are, you expect to get from transformation so that you can show that you are getting the value from those investments.

Anna Bancroft:

I think there's a huge emphasis on data in retail and consumer markets. And if you think about what clients really want, they don't just want the innovative idea. They want the ability to be able to enact that quickly.

David Morris:

Invest in those relationships, absolutely critical. But think about the short, the medium and the long term as well. So, you need to think about where will the health sector be in ten years’ time. And really importantly, think about where the patient sits in the centre of any solution that's developed between the health sector and the technology alliance partners.

Nick Atkin:

Our history of relationship with our clients, it's always been, always been strong. We look to them for inspiration. They look to us for innovation and vision.

Caitriona McCusker:

It's ever more important that we give confidence to our clients to really keep focusing on their transformation agenda and the outcomes they need to be delivering for their customers, their citizens, their students, and their patients.


When you meet face to face and you're talking about specific business issues and industries and sectors, we work out how much commonality there is.

Farida Lockhat:

I think what really struck me is how much they want to understand where our business is going because they really use this information to ensure they are delivering not just the right products but the right service to us

Ellie Taylor:

Really see this day is a milestone and a line in the sand for how we can work and activate together.

Derek Bose:

I only see great potential for our joint-working and I look forward to doing that with PwC.

Sebastian Thempler:

A lot of that overlaps between the obvious and Peter. We see is that customer focus. And I think what I've seen today is that PwC obviously is that partner we need in the driver's seat.

Oz Ozturk:

It’s gone down really well. Like I've been in the corridors, they've all pulled me aside saying this is the best event they've been to. They love the depth of our industry experience. It's really crystallised how we can work in a symbiotic fashion.

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