General Update - Joint Administrators' Presentation to Members of MFA and AIMA - 16 and 19 November 2010

This update concerns the presentation given by the Joint Administrators to members of the MFA in New York on 16 November 2010 and also to AIMA in London on 19 November 2010. The objective of the presentation was to provide members of the industry bodies with a general update on the progress made by the Administration over the first two years.  The Joint Administrators' presentation included i) an introduction to the Consensual Approach, which is designed to expedite creditor claim agreement ii) an update on pre-administration client money issues, and iii) a review of the position on trust asset returns and the interaction with LBI and the SIPA Trustee.

A copy of the Joint Administrators' November presentation to MFA and AIMA can be accessed here.

The presentation is intended to be read in conjunction with the Joint Administrators' fourth progress report which can be accessed here.

The Joint Administrators will continue to communicate with creditors through the PwC Lehman Brothers International (Europe) (in administration) website. Please continue to check this website for information on all matters relating to the administration of LBIE.

Please direct any questions you may have to our client management team at

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