Video transcript: We are pioneers in a world of changing risk

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Risk is all around us

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Sam: Risk is all around us, and its changing all the time. It’s our job to help clients manage it, emerge stronger and remain resilient.

Chris: Every day I'm given the opportunity to use my own technology skills in helping our clients to manage their risks. This acts as a catalyst for positive change in their organisations and markets

Reade: I really enjoy helping my clients navigate this uncertainty by building lasting resilience.

Nadia: And I'm proud to be part of a diverse team that’s empowered to be ourselves.

Barbora: Technology has helped us build an even stronger foundation of trust and transparency amongst our teams, clients and society

Stephanie: We have all the experience and skills clients need of a risk team, but powered but powered by technology we can derive insights for faster, better decision making.

Yousef: Our work gives our clients the confidence to be entrepreneurial and to seek value in an uncertain world.

Sam: Working together we will be pioneers in a world of changing risk.

Contact us

Sam Samaratunga

Sam Samaratunga

Global Risk Services Leader, PwC United Kingdom

Simon Perry

Simon Perry

Risk Head of Markets and Services, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7740 024957

Lola  Evans

Lola Evans

Risk Markets & Services Programme Director, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7711 562241

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